Local Council and Services
Burton & Winkton Parish Council 01202 470 457
Burton C of E Primary School 01202 482 588
Christchurch Information Centre 01202 499 199
Bournemouth Airport 01202 364 000
Post Office 0345 611 2970
BCP Council 01202 123 456
Adult Learning: 01202 123 444
Bins, waste and recycling: 01202 123 123
Flytipping and flyposting: 01202 123 123 Report fly-tipping or illegal waste dumping | BCP (bcpcouncil.gov.uk)
Road Drains and Flooding: https://online.bcpcouncil.gov.uk/drainsandflooding
Graffiti: 01202 123 123
Pest control: 01202 123 123
Potholes: 01202 123 123
Streetlights: 01202 123 123
Blue badges: 01202 123 100
Bus passes: 01202 123 700
Parking permits: 01202 123 911
Planning services: 01202 123 321
Registrar: 01202 123 777
School admissions: 01202 123 222
Social services adults: 01202 123 654
Social services children: 01202 123 334
COMPLAINTS & SUGGESTIONS: https://www.bcpcouncil.gov.uk/Contact-us/Feedback-and-Complaints/Compliments-and-suggestions.aspx
Medical/Health Services
Burton Medical Centre 01202 414 311
Dorset Out-of-Hours/NHS 111 111
Royal Bournemouth Hospital 01202 303 626
Christchurch Hospital 01202 486 361
Day Lewis Pharmacy, Burton 01202 477 771
Saturday and Sunday CLOSED
Defibrillator (AED) Locations
Burton Medical Centre - right of front entrance door
123 Salisbury Road, BH23 7JN
The Fisherman's Haunt - on accommodation block as you enter the car park
Salisbury Road, Winkton, BH23 7AS
Scout Hut - Martins Hill Recreation Ground, BH23 7NP
Trading Standards 01202 451 400
Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) 08082 787 939
Childline 0844 892 0220
NSPCC 0808 800 5000
Southern Electric 0800 980 8476
British Gas 0800 048 0202
Gas Emergency 0800 111 999
Environment Agency 03708 506 506
National Drugs Helpline 0800 77 66 00
Alcoholic Anonymous 0800 917 7650
Al-Anon 0800 008 6811
Samaritans 116 123
Age UK 0800 169 2081
Macmillan Support Line 0808 808 0000
Gambling Support Network 0330 13340 286 www.recovery4all.co.uk
Pet Care & Wildlife
Dorset Wildlife Trust 01305 264 620
RSPCA – Ashley Heath 0300 1230749
PDSA, Castle Lane 01202 533 630
Cats Protection 0845 371 2762
Dog Warden 01202 454 947
Mike Meeks Wildlife Rescue 01425 477 500
Wildlife in Need Dorset Wings 01202 428 129
Hedgehog Rescue 07879 432 916
Dorset Police
https://www.dorset.police.uk/ 101
Crimestoppers 0800 555 111
Christchurch Residents Association
incorporating residents of the parish of Burton & Winkton - all welcome
How to Report a Suspect Vehicle
No current Road Tax - report to DVLA:
No current MOT or Insurance - report to Police
Abandoned vehicles - report to BCP